1 May 2014

Social Media … reason why Service failure recovery becomes more important

Social Media … reason why Service failure recovery becomes more important

Risa Hemtasilpa 01-05-14

For service business, Service failure recovery is a must thing to focus on. Why? Because nature of service depends on individual, and quality is difficult to control. As social media becomes one of daily activity which people all of the world involve with,  service failure tracking needs to do as fast as possible; especially in Thailand.

In Thailand, Click, Share and Comment are popular activities on social media. People addicted to consume other’s information via both social media and websites such as Pantip. “Drama” and “beautiful world” are the words that could give you a sign that what Thai people today like to consume.  Thai people create words on what they are consuming or engaging with. “Drama” means sad story of other people and “beautiful world” called person who think too positive and close their eyes from the truth that real world also has bad side. Consequently, bad experiences are counted on one of drama which means people like to share and consume…. Which also means the negative WOM and impact on social media will spread big and quick.


 This statement could prove by a survey from Positioning Magazine, showing percentage of people behavior when they face bad service. The result shows 51 % of people in Thailand will share negative experience online, which is a significant higher than world average (26%)! This also reflect nature of Thai people they are introvert (They don’t like to reveal what they think and also their negative emotion).

At first I think that why people complain online in their Facebook or Pantip, doing this cannot solve their problem at the first place. Face to face complain once the problem occur can get recover faster and easier. However I understand all things on the next day, the day that I went to have a service at one bank near my house. I asked about fee of transfer money from different province account via mobile banking and the staff ended up with the answer “I don’t know, I’ve never used this application”. What! Common this is just a basic question that bank staff should know and even she doesn’t know she should ask others or her senior rather than answer this to customer. I was about to tell her that there is no fee if transferring via mobile after I tried it myself but she was on phone talking to her friend about herself?!?! After the transaction finish I want to comment it on Facebook or Pantip immediately and I truly understand that why people chose to comment online…sometime is not about nature of characteristic but it is about opportunity to make a comment or sometime it’s useless to make a comment to person who has not have service mind.

The solution for service business in Thailand nowadays to prevent negative social media share is to create ways to track service failure as fast as possible and recover it before customers leave the company to comment on social network. What company do today makes them get feedback too late such as mystery shopping and call back to let customers give service score which research result will release a few weeks later or at the end of the month etc.

Reference : Positioning Magazine, Part 1 Consumers are not loyalty and 80% of Thai people are ready to switch brand, released on 19 Mar 2014.