26 July 2014

Gamification in Banking

Gamification in Banking

Risa Hemtasilpa  27-07-14

Generation Y is focused by many banks as various reasons;
1.  Increase in number of Gen Y, number of people in young age in Thailand is accounting on 16 million, while in 2015 number of Gen Y estimated to be 75% of world population (ASTV 2013).

2. It is one way that bank can build up relationship with people in their young age. We have an assumption that familiarity and relationship would made the bank becomes top of mind bank and bank selection.

3. People give reason of using one bank as main bank since they have been using the particular bank for a long time. Consequently, the quicker bank enters to their life, the higher opportunity bank becomes their main bank.

However Gen Y customers are not really associate with branch, they would go to bank branch only two times a year… Yes, when they have to pay tuition fee! 

Banks try to find a way to appeal this customer segment and Rajashekara V. Maiya, associate vice president & principal-Finacle product strategy at Infosys, said that gaming is pervasive among members of generation Y (Ryan 2013). Then gamification trend begins.

I have examples of banks who are using game to create customer experience as following;


created game to educate people in using online banking. Activities that customers do in the game or each transaction that customers do through BBVA online banking website grants point for users to redeem gifts such as music, film downloads or discounts.
In addition, the result of the launch is interesting, BBVA game has attracted over 120000 users in only 11 months and number of Facebook fans and twitters has multiplied by 15 timers from the start of the project.



bank has released “PlayMoolah” which educate children on financial responsibility. The special point of this game is points can be earned and donate to charity.

Commonwealth bank :

Commonwealth bank released Investorville which is a simulation of property investment. It explain first-time buyers of process and consequence of their financial decisions, taxes and impact of different type of loans.

Turning to Thailand, KBank (Kasikorn Bank) launched Facebook game called ‘KSME start up’ in 2010. It is a business simulation which people can practice their business management in the game.

Currently (2014), KBank (no.1 in Digital banking) cooperate with Line corporation and True move (no.1 in 3G network) release new game called Line Let’s get rich and it has a very good feedback.
After it launched the game, it can achieve the highest number of download and increase continually.


KBank is moving parallel with consumer behavior and trend.  Statistic shows that there are 24 million people in Thailand use Line application which is accounting on the second highest of the world (ASTV 2014). As a result, this is time to move further from Facebook to Line! Even though SCB was the first bank who launched Line sticker with its own character, KBank seems to win back with its Brown&Cony sticker and now Line game. However now I do not see any role of KBank in this game except its small logo at the starting point pretending to be money provider (which may over look). I will keep an eye on how it engages this financial game image to the brand and improve customer engagement or at least develop brand awareness and business friendly perception.

The activities could be
1. Improve its role in the game eg. KBank reward for players who can make green line cities, or being a helpful bank

2. Advertising notification when people turn on the game about KBank activities such as let’s get rich seminar. (the advertisement must not about banking products which would create negative perception of the bank in hard sell)

3. Since the game is about buying property, KBank could have property investment seminar or how to get rich seminar etc.

Phillip Ryan 2013, 5 Signs Financial innovation is better in Asia,
Positioning Magazine, KBank launch SME Startup city, media released Novemeber 2010.                      
ASTV 2014, ‘Line’ entering online game market after open subagent in Thailand, media released March 2014, http://www.manager.co.th/Cyberbiz/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9570000034795