18 July 2015

3 characteristic of ME Generation and how to catch this market

3 characteristic of ME Generation and how to catch this market

     Risa Hemtasilpa 18-07-15

Who is Gen ME
Gen ME or Millennial is called for generation of people who was born between 1980 and 2000

Characteristic of Gen ME are

1. self-confident and independent
Marriage and children are second-tier concern since the generation believe that they can live on their own and need more time to enjoy their life. Regarding to Goldman Sachs research, median marriage age is significant higher from 23 years old in 1970s to 30 years old in 2010s. Moreover nowadays couple or individual prefer to live separately from their parents to have their own space. Nuclear family tends to be higher. Convenience and freedom is accounting on main reason for people who rent condo or apartment rather than live in parent house.

2. Stage is needed
Advance technology, Internet and plenty of ‘How to’ resources, Millennial is able to learn and improve their skills faster. Consequently, they thirst for stage and show off their talent. This could be proved by popularity of talent- related game shows in Thailand such as AF(Academy Fantasia) which on air for 10 seasons already, The Star(11 seasons) and Thailand got talent etc.

3. Me focus  
A Number of self-video posts on Youtube, Selfie phenomenon and check-in on Facebook are example of this characteristic. People publish what they are doing, what they think, what they like and so on on Social network to tell other people about their self-identity.

Behaviour of Gen ME in online shopping and smart phone usage

Remark: Survey from Thailand marketing research society conducted amongst people in age 15-69 years old in 9 countries (Australia, Newzeland, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand) with 8,933 samples

Products and how to promote your product for Gen ME

·         Create campaign that Gen ME can share their self-identity together with able to share in social media.
·         Communicate through Gen ME media channel such as Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Line and review article on community platform eg. Pantip. And celebrity endorsements for them are net idols, popular local designer IG, and superstar who has clear image etc.
·         Like and Share 
Use power of social media and make them like and share your products, this is the best way to build awareness, and following by their usage.  


Smule Application is Karaoke application which you can sing along with your favorite singer; for instance, Flash light from Jessie J.  This serves Gen ME in various angle such as able to share, being a place to show their talent and self-identity.

Line Marketing  many companies create Line character sticker to send new product and information direct to customers. Line application is very popular, especially in Asia. Regarding to Line official mentioned that 5 countries which are most active in Line application after it hits 400 million users; namely,
         -  Japan
         -  Thailand
         -  Indonesia 
         -  India
         -  Taiwan
     (Line official blog 2014)

So communication through Line in above countries tends to reach customers better.
Ps. Line doesn’t reach only Millennial but also baby boomer.

Reference : 

1. Line 2014, Line now has 400 million registered users,<http://official-blog.line.me/en/archives/1001168967.html>
2. Goldman Sach 2015, Millennials coming of Age, <http://www.goldmansachs.com/our-thinking/pages/millennials/>
3. Video เสียใจแต่ไม่แคร์ ฮาสุดๆ, post by fern montira, published on 13 May 2012, <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5iHxQvS-Rs>
4. ASTV 2013, แนะเจ้าของแบรนด์สินค้าปรับตัวรับกลุ่ม Gen ME, published 12 November 2013, <http://www.manager.co.th/iBizChannel/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9560000140691>