31 October 2015

How to create memorable TV advertisement in information flood world

Risa Hemtasilpa 31-10-15
From my research experience about memorable TV Ad, I found that there are three common types of Ad story that make people recall ad easily.

First is Funny Advertising, Funny story make people want to follow and watch the ad until it complete. Nowadays people have bombard by advertisement and information, hence it is more difficult for advertising company to create attractive ad and make the message cut through audience.

Second is emotional story, as we know that emotional story can engage people through their sensitivity. The impressed story will build word of mouth as well as brand recognition. However this kind of story is suit for brand that want to create company image or brand awareness rather than sell.

Third, ‘Good thought’ story, to change consumer behavior by convincing them to do what you want, ad content should make them think and get away from their familiarity. TMB no fee is a good example of this type of TV ad. The content reminds people why they have to pay for something that supposed to be FREE! The man in black suit earns money from public parking lot, public street, and try to get fee from financial transaction. The ad presents differentiate of TMB which offer no fee service.

Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYlGilQ_8oA

And after my trip at Singapore, I found that almost all ads in theater are Good thought content. The one that I like tell story about Singaporean athletes who try hard in practicing and aim to be a champion for their country with Que sera sera song as a background. Then it end up with sentence “The Future is not what our to see but it is what our to create”

As we know content is King! However creative content need to base on objective of ad. Moreover the ad will not effective if audience cannot recognize brand of Ad. In addition, in this information flood era, people have less attention to something that they are not interested.
There are two ways that ad agency can use;

1.        Making message cut through audience within first 5 sec. of Ad.

 2.       If the message is at the end of Ad… your story need to grab attention of audience by interesting story and easy understanding which make people follow your ad until reach message that you want to communicate.